The in-person conference venue, Biocentrum, is located on the campus of the Poznań University of Life Sciences (ul. Dojazd 11, 60-637 Poznań). The remote conference venue is located on
About PULS
The Poznań University of Life Sciences (PULS) is one of the country’s most important agricultural universities with undergraduate and graduate programs in Biological Sciences, Food Technology and Nutrition, Animal Sciences and Aquaculture, Forestry Sciences, Agriculture and Horticulture, Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining Engineering and Power Engineering, Economics and Finances. Each year, nearly 8000 students are enrolled in 25 fields of study. The University employs almost 800 academics, including 135 professors, and a large group of highly qualified research and teaching staff supported by state-of-the-art scientific facilities.
Each of the University’s faculties carries out diverse research and disseminates the results in scientific and popular science articles, expert opinions, diploma theses, and reports. An important element that highlights the specific nature of research conducted in different faculties involves the organization of conferences, symposia, seminars, and congresses. These activities are often carried out in collaboration with the scientists from domestic (Poznań University of Medical Sciences; University of Łódź; Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology, Warsaw; European Centre for Bioinformatics and Genomics, IBCh, Poznań) and foreign universities and research institutes (Oxford University, UK; University of Toulouse, France; University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain; University of Bergen, Norway; University of Oslo, Norway; University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands; University of Groningen, The Netherlands; Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic; Showa Pharmaceutical University, Tokyo, Japan; Rutgers University, Newark, NJ, USA; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA). Research activities at PULS are financed by domestic (National Science Center, National Research and Development Center, Ministry of Science and Higher Education) and international programs (Seventh Framework Program of the European Union, Horizon 2020).
The broad educational offering at PULS meets the student’s various fields of interest and is specifically adjusted to the requirements of the labor market. Innovative educational programs address state-of-the-art environmental solutions and include the essential biological, information technology, and social knowledge. Undergraduate students at PULS can enrol for studies or internships in foreign universities or institutions under Erasmus+ Programme, which also offers exchange opportunities for academic and administrative staff. The University cooperates with more than 80 universities from various European countries. Erasmus+ is an opportunity for foreign students to enrol for studies or traineeships, and for foreign teachers to give lectures. Numerous international programs are supporting the academic exchange in the area of education and professional training both for students and for academics. The University offers PhD and MSc degree programs with the English language instruction. The PhD programs are open to candidates from all over the world. PhD students have the opportunity to pursue individual research plans and interdisciplinary doctoral program, with scholarships provided by the University.